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Friday, September 26, 2014


When Grandma and Grandpa decided to buy Rowan and Saoirse scooters for their birthday this year, they debated whether you would even want one. You're littler, and they didn't know whether you would be able to ride one, and whether you wouldn't like something else more. I am so glad they got you one, too, because the truth is you love your scooter even more than your sisters love theirs. You are fast, and confident. And you use the brake just for fun, really, because you love sliding to a stop. On this morning, you insisted on a walk in your neighborhood so that you could get some time on your scooter. It was such a beautiful fall morning, foggy and mild, that I wasn't sorry to agree to it. I pushed Liam in his red car behind you as you sped ahead, stopping every now and then and turning back to wait for us. "You are the monster, Mom, you have to try to get me!" And then as I got close, growling at you and reaching out, you'd turn your back and speed away, laughing. "You'll never catch me, monster!"


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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