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Tuesday, October 14, 2014


This afternoon I was using the time during the baby's nap to take a self-portrait for my Elements of Design class. I had this nightgown, which was actually my wedding nightgown, on. But then Fiona joined me, gushed how beautiful it was, and promptly insisted that I take it off so she could put it on. Then she commandeered my photography project, jumping from the head of my bed over and over again while I sat at the foot and took pictures. After each round, she would come and look at what we got, on the back of the camera, then try again until they were perfect. It wasn't the photo I was planning on getting done while the baby slept, but I love it when my girls want to collaborate on a project, so it is pretty perfect to me.


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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