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Thursday, October 9, 2014


We rarely play board games. It seems every time you guys get one, pieces are lost before you ever manage to finish a game. This old box with the Twister game came from your grandparents' house when they moved to Cleveland and gave us stuff they didn't have room for. It has sat there since, but today Fiona opened it. This led to another aspect of how you play board games: you are not really interested in me teaching you how to play them. You prefer to make up your own rules. So this is your game of Twister, one person spinning and telling the other person what to do next, like it's a series of moves rather than having to do each move at the same time. It's a bit less twisty that way, but you all still seemed to enjoy it.


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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