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Saturday, September 13, 2014


If I had to name one obsession that has defined my life, it would be reading. I dreamed of reading to, and then with, my own kids. But when it came time for you, Rowan and Saoirse, to learn to read...well, it seemed that you did not share my enthusiasm. Listening to stories, sure. But reading? You fought. I worried that I had wanted it too much, poisoned it for you, claimed it so thoroughly as my own that there was no room for you. I should have known you'd find your way, and that it would be (like so much else about parenting) both exactly what I wanted and nothing like I imagined. You discovered graphic novels and comic books this year, and you are hooked. Me? I prefer my books old fashioned, narrative, with nothing but words (the more the better). But you especially, Saoirse, cannot get enough of graphic novels. You tell me that they're more like real life, because you hear what people are saying, "without all that he says, she told me stuff." I've gotten an education in graphic novels this year. Who would have thought you'd love books about a few bones that speak, slay dragons, and get run out of town for swindling?


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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