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Wednesday, September 10, 2014


And here we go again. Liam is one year old today, and our second year as a complete family starts. I couldn't be luckier, and I know it. would have been a teensy bit luckier if Liam were not sick on his birthday. He was very cranky, snotty, and coughing. These first weeks back in the school routine are always filled with sickness around here. Was it like this when we were kids and we just didn't remember? Or do my kids just have no immune system? Anyway, the basic point remains. He is a joy, and we exclaim how he is the easiest kid we've ever had on a regular basis. He has one word, "Yum." (He's a good eater.) He can walk 4-5 steps at a time, but still prefers to do his scoot-with-one-leg under him crawl most of the time, because he is FAST! I would say his favorite foods, but honestly it's pretty rare that he turns something down. He started sleeping in his crib this month, at least until 3-4 AM most nights, and twice in the last couple of weeks he slept all the way to morning, 10 hours once and 12 another time. His favorite toy right now is his Fisher Price shopping cart, because with that he can walk all over the place. Weirdly, he also really likes it when Fiona pulls the shopping cart around while he holds on and gets dragged around on his knees. He loves to make us laugh now, by putting books on his head like a hat, by throwing his head back and giggling until we giggle along, by sticking toys in our just generally being silly. Whenever any of us laughs at anything, he laughs along, with this throaty laugh that surprises me every time. He wants to be part of the gang, and when his sisters play in the backyard, he stands at the sliding glass door and bangs on the door, wanting to get in on the action. He is adorable, and sweet, and we love him more than we can say. Happy Birthday to Liam!


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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