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Saturday, January 10, 2015


My baby napping in a crib is new to me. Rowan did sometimes, I suppose, by the time she was your age. Saoirse never did, and neither did Fiona. I lay down with them, and then snuck away once they were safely asleep, if I could. I left a pillow barrier around them to keep them from rolling out. It's very different with you. I miss lying next to you, snuggling you to sleep. On the other hand, I don't miss feeling trapped there, waiting for sleep to come, and then having to get back up when I'm almost asleep myself after lying there for so long. I wonder if it will make you different from them in some way, this different beginning. I'll never know, since this is the life you know and no other...but these are the sorts of things I wonder about while I rub your back and sing you to sleep in your own room.


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About Me

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I am a bookworm, a sometime runner, a mom to four little ones, and a homemaker who hates to clean. (Whoops..) I spent years as a devoted journal keeper, and see photography as another way to document this life of ours. "I have only one life, and it is only so long. I choose to spend it with you."
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